human rights

 human rights in colombia and all over the world.

what are human rights? human rights are something that you arer entitled by virtue of being human, just for being human you have human rights. Human rights are moral principles or norms that describe certain standards of human behaviour, they are called human rights because they are universal.

unfortunately colombia is a country where this "human rights" are constantly being violated, where people get killed, asesinated or kidnapped viciously without no reason.

The violation of human rights in Colombia is increasingly intensified, denounce multiple organizations, which say that despite the signing of the peace treaty, there are still cases of violations in much of the national territory, especially the areas of conflict armed.
Colombia registers a security crisis that affects its social leaders by part of this groups of guerrillas in colombia
one of the most "important" of this groups is named farc. the goverment tried to make a peace agremment with this group to demobilize them but this group integrants are not ready to leave war and to give arms, this group and the goverment have been recently talking about this peace agreement and people dont agree with the points they make in this pecae treatment because they are violating colombians rights, first of all they are giving colombians taxes to them, they are violating the human rights of colombians because they are pretending to give
 criminals works and charges in the goverment that other colombians need.

in conclusion human rights are a process that all humans need because people need them to live with dignity, even though colombia is a country where they are not protected as they should be and also are violated constantly, human rights should be always protected and defended by all citizens and individuals should respect others rights.


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