essay #1.
its not a secret that sexual education is important in these days, to be informed, prepared and know about. sex education and teen pregnancy are two different concepts or topics that are deeply linked with each other, because, with sex education the incidence of teenagers pregnant comes down. studies upon this concept has revealed that comprehensive sex education has lowered the average of teen pregnancies over the years.
teen pregnancy could be good because it keeps young parents motivated and caring about their baby, for some having a baby mtoivate them to do well in school so they could give a bright and better future to their babys, but also, teenagers who become pregnant are looked upon and judged by other people or other teenagers, as a result of this, most teenagers who get pregnant at a young age and have the baby are not ready physically or mentally.
teenage pregnancy could also be risky as for the child than for the mother.
sexual education could be good because average of teenagers that get pregnant could get down and because if teenagers want to start a sexual life could be informed and prepared for whatever situation.
sexual education is important for knowing about the theme, being related to it, but teaching sexual orientation could also have bad results like, going against an individuals moral or values or also religious beliefs of students or their families and also some kids or teenagers find it very awkard
to discuss about that kind of things with others, and maybe some parents do not want their kids learning about that stuff, and some kids are not really mature to listen and stay active talking
about that kind of things.
another good thing about sexual orientation is that kids can understand the impact of sex in their lives, and it could prove all the lying myths about sex.
in conclusion,
teenage pregnancy could be bad sight by people surrounding us in our society, or it also could help people understand and think that sexual education is good just for getting informed and should be teached more often, and that with basic sex education rates of teenager pregnancy could decrease,
sexual misinformation is often shared and kids can learn about this misinformation and thats not good.
Really interesting.