What virtyes should people have to make earth a better place to live in
How important are virtues
It depends what you mean by virtue. In Aristotlean Virtue Ethics, virtue is defined ‘excellence’. Virtue could be determined by the mean between two excesses, so bravery is the mean between brashness and cowardice. In this sense, virtue is moderation. Now, I don't know about you, but the idea that one must consistently find the mean between two excesses to respond virtuously to a situation is a bit exhausting, but hey, who said philosophy was simple! In my opinion, virtue is an important thing to strive for, but not the most important thing to attain. We as human beings are far too flawed to truly exist virtuously, but the pursuit of virtue, moderation and measurement is something that we could all benefit from it. If you understand “virtue” in the ancient Greek sense of arete— meaning “human excellence”— it is of primary importance if you are prepared to believe that material wealth and conventional...