
this short story is named christmas story and sunshine and talks abut a 2 family that  the Examiner was spirited and intelligent alias new fangled and democratic. Every week these newspapers contained articles abusing each other; as cross and peppery as articles could be, and evidently the production of irritated minds, although they seemed to have one stereotyped commencement. Mr Jenkins have his wife and also mr hodgson . but the Jenkins are happy because they had a cat called pussy and the hodgson , Mary hodgson have a beautiful little baby. Both families live in the same building , in Britain . the plot start when the cat start make disaster for example steal milk and food , specially the things of the hogdson , one day make a disaster in the holdhouse of the hogdson apartament , and eat the special food of the hogdson that was for Christmas dinner . mary hogdson get angry about this situation and beat the cat pussy and start fight with mrs Jenkins about this situation and gen...
Lady of shalott This poem starts off by giving a visual overview of the situation. The reader is shown the river and the road, and, far in the distance, the towers of Camelot. The people mentioned in this section are not given specific identities; rather, they are common people going about their daily business. It is from their perspective that the poem first shows Shalott, an island in the river. Now how are the values caring/patience related to this story first we need to know qhat are the meaning of these two… What is patience is the ability to wait, or to continue doing something despite difficulties,  to suffer without complaining or becoming annoyed patience also is defined by the capacity to accept or tolerate delay problems. What is the meaning of caring? Caring is the action to display kindness or concern for others maybe concern and interest in other words, pripritys or importance. Why are these two values related in the poem the lady of shalott One way i found pa...
From the story called “The Diary of Samuel Pepys” i can tell and point out what values the characters have and i can see that Pepys at a moment of the story is thankful to his wife even though he doesn’t seem to be a trustworthy person since he isn’t loyal and faithful to his wife. Before continuing with this essay, it is important that you know the meaning and definition of these two words. Trustworthiness has to do with honesty, and when you are not honest you cant be trustworthy. It is when someone relies on you for their things and feels like they can tell you anything without any judgment from your part, or when someone comes to you for advice. While thankfulness is when you feel or show your appreciation and gratitude for a kind gesture that someone has done towards you. Now as i said before, at the beginning of this essay,Samuel Pepys shows thankfulness to his wife when he appreciates her effort done to serve him is dinner and prepare his food. But he is not trustworthy to me s...

What virtyes should people have to make earth a better place to live in

How important are virtues It depends what you mean by virtue. In Aristotlean Virtue Ethics, virtue is defined ‘excellence’. Virtue could be determined by the mean between two excesses, so bravery is the mean between brashness and cowardice. In this sense, virtue is moderation. Now, I don't know about you, but the idea that one must consistently find the mean between two excesses to respond virtuously to a situation is a bit exhausting, but hey, who said philosophy was simple! In my opinion, virtue is an important thing to strive for, but not the most important thing to attain. We as human beings are far too flawed to truly exist virtuously, but the pursuit of virtue, moderation and measurement is something that we could all benefit from it. If you understand “virtue” in the ancient Greek sense of arete— meaning “human excellence”— it is of primary importance if you are prepared to believe that material wealth and conventional...


Cambiar a español Legend has it that in the 21st century there was a scientist called louis who was trying to find a cure for cancer, but one day everything went wrong in one of his experiments and then the person in which he was proving the test started to  turn pale white as if it were dead to have many genetic mutations the which he could not fix, his teeth became fangs and the person fainted but shortly after, he woke up with strange vital signs, it was someone else, it was as if the person in which they had experimented had created a monster, this monster ate the scientist louis and it is said that he continues to inhabit the scientific fields as he seeks revenge for the bad procedures they did in that lab
Colombia/ Barranquilla / MY NEIGHBORHOOD. I live in Colombia, Colombia is a country that has different cultures and diversity in its population Colombia is a country located at the north tip of South America. It is bounded by Panama and the Caribbean Sea in the north, by Venezuela and Brazil in the east, by Peru and Ecuador in the south, and the Pacific Ocean on the west. Colombia is one of the largest South American countries. Colombia is a mainly Spanish speaking, Catholic country, but has a diverse population. The capital city is Bogota, but I live near in other city named Barranquilla, I love living in Colombia because I love how people are here, people are nice and outgoing, you can talk to people here or ask for favors if you don’t even know them, I also like the climate in Colombia, in some cities is cold and others hot or tropical. Barranquilla is a city located in Colombia, Barranquilla is as Colombia a good place to live to study, to make Friends and to socialize, one of...
                                                                                                                              My life. my name is Shaskia Mebarak. i was born in barranquilla on the 21st of march of 2002, which means im 16 years old now, i have got 3 siblings, 1 from my mom and dad who is called shafik, and the other two from my dad part that are my half siblings are called diana and Angie, but they are not related each other, then ive got my mom and my dad, Kelly Avendaño and robin mebarak, they are super hardworking, caring, and devoted to our family. I have been living in barranquilla since i have memory, then i moved to united states but it only last...